添加时间:中国共产党虽然也曾走过一些弯路,但勇于坚持真理、直面问题、修正错误,不断开拓创新、与时俱进,始终保持与人民的血肉联系,带领人民克服一个又一个困难,不断从胜利走向胜利。Indeed, the Party had stumbles, falls and even wrong turns along the way, but it has the courage to admit its mistakes, make corrections and continue to seek truth。 It has kept renewing itself in order to stay abreast with the times。 And it has maintained close links with the Chinese people。 These qualities have enabled the Communist Party of China to lead the Chinese people in overcoming the difficulties and achieving one success after another。
China is the second largest contributor to the UN peacekeeping budget and the largest contributor among the P5 of peacekeeping personnel。 A total of 37,000 Chinese military and police officers have served or are still serving in various UN missions。
刘易斯·考夫曼,Artisan Developing World fund (ARTYX)经理,管理着27亿美元资产,该基金是2019年迄今为止排名第一的新兴市场基金;大卫·塞姆波,VanEck Emerging Markets(GBFAX)基金经理,管理资产达20亿美元,该基金2019年表现超过了98%的同行。